Wednesday, July 24, 2013


1. The City of Norwood does not have complete transparency.

2. The City spends 73% of the entire budget on Police and Fire Departments(where family members work).

3. The City of Norwood will never include diversity in anything it does.

4. The voters just said NO to a May 7, 2013 tax increase.

5. Norwood gives tax breaks to big business then want to stick it to the homeowners.

6. We don't see anything in return for the money we are already paying.

7. The City will not fund anything for our children, youth or teenagers.

8. The police department is involved in a number of lawsuits.(The City will not say how many).

9. The sewer and water bill is very high and keeps going up!(Look for another increase soon).

10. Until the City of Norwood gives me a formal apology in person and in writing I will work against anything they put forth. Charges dismissed.

For more information on this tax increase go to www.boe.hamilton-co-org.
If you do not know where to go vote this site(Board of Elections will be able to direct you to your polling place).


  1. So anyone who doesn't know WHY, Now you know. Thank you Miss C. For everything you do!!

  2. All you need to read is #10 on the list to understand what is really motivating the person who composed the other 9.

  3. First let me Thank You for being a reader of my blog. Second at least I can and do put my name on whatever my motives are. I said it, I meant it, and I'm here to represent it. What is your reason for hiding?

  4. OH I FORGOT..........VOTE NO

  5. You talking to the the person who entered the first comment or the second?

  6. The second comment. The first comment brings a smile to my face. Thanks for your question and thanks for being a reader.

  7. Isn't that a double standard? Challenging one commenter to reveal themselves but not another?

  8. Why would I ask a person who has nice things to say about me to reveal themselves, when in reality I am a really awsome young lady? You want them to reveal themselves so you can see which white person likes this Negro?

  9. Why would you ask someone who challenges your views to reveal themselves and not someone who agrees with your views?
    For that matter, why would you even allow anonymous comments?

  10. I allow annonymous comments because I relize this is Norwood where racism is normal like apple pie. Some white folks don't want other white folks to know they have come into the 21st Century where we are all Americans. By the way you did not challenge my views you challenged my motives. My motives are simple with this tax increase. Most folks do not want to pay more in taxes. I'm one of the many. Real simple.......any more questions?

  11. You're still not answering the original question as to why you would want to know one commenters identity and not another's. It sounds like you believe that those who agree with you deserves protection while those who disagree with you don't. That doesn't make sense.

  12. Look anonymous if you want to remain anonymous please do. Everyone can be anonymous I don't care. I will not spend anymore time on this. I appreciate you reading my blog. I hope we can meet one day where I can answer any questions you have about me, my motives and my views. I love and appreciate you.

  13. In all seriousness, the feeling is mutual. You're willing to put yourself out there with what many would consider to be some pretty unconventional ideas. You deserve credit for that.
