Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Some of Your Friends are Black?

If I had a dime for all the times white racist say, "Some of my best friends are black."  I could buy a new car.  If you are really serious that some of your best friends are black take this survey.

1. What was the last book you read by a black author?

2. When was the last time a black person sat at your dinner table and ate?

3. Name the last black play you went to see?

4. Name the last Rhythm and Blues music you personally played?

5. When was the last time you had to defend a black person and what was it for?

6. Look around do you work with a black person?  If not do you think that is fair?

7. Have you ever dated a black person?  Ever thought about it?

8. Would you ever adopt a black child?

9. Would you ever go to a black dance club?

10. Would you ever vote for a black person? 

If 8 out of the 10 you could not answer, Your crutch of "Some of my best friends are black," has now be revoked.

Norwood News and Views welcomes all comments.  Nothing will be edited or denied.  Be honest, it's okay, I don't care either way.

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