Saturday, February 2, 2013

Norwood City Council is Comical

The definition of the word comical is to be amused or funny.  That is how I would describe the Norwood City Council Members.  You have to laugh to keep from crying.  The members simply do not take their job or constituents serious.  If so why is the City of Norwood so damn dysfunctional?  Why do we not have nice parks?  Why do our infrastructure look like it does?  Why is our crime rate going up and up?  Why do you never see your ward member?  Do you even know who he or she is?  Why is cut backs always on the things that make the quality of life better?  Why do your council member never talk about lawsuits that cost your tax dollars in payouts?  Why is your council member only out and about at election time. 

Norwood News and Views try to remain neutral on issues but sometimes I can't help myself.  I have to ask where is City Council Members?  I will not point anyone out but it is time for them to get off council and let someone else have a seat. Council members get elected over and over again and yet they do absolutely nothing to bring fresh, new, bold ideas to the City of Norwood.  These certain council members sit and do things like they have always been done.  Their purpose for being on Council is to rubber stamp whatever the Mayor says.  They never step out on bold ideas.  They never offer fresh, meaningful ideas. I have more respect for a Council Member that brings something to the table than a member that only take a seat at the table. The members never get  frustrated and say enough!  When was the last time you seen a Norwood Council Member say I'm voting against a issue and was the only no vote?  Folks, your council members are comical.  We laugh and smile when we see them and then we open our water bill and cry.  We love the summer parade and we curse the break-ins at our homes.  We love the close shopping stores yet we tear our cars up on the pot holes.  We love our police officers and cringe when we know the misconduct they do.  African Americans are moving in and white folks are moving out,yet will never hear your council members talk about that concern.  Yes, our Norwood City Council Members are comical. 

Except the joke is on the citizens, homeowners and taxpayers of Norwood, Ohio.

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