Monday, August 29, 2011

Will the Real Police Chief Please Stand Up?

If anyone knows who got the title of Chief of the Norwood Police Department will you please fill us in?  Just how long does this really take?  I don't agree with taking a test to select a Chief.  This process is outdated and old.  Times have changed, and I think its time for Norwood to change its position to promoting for the Chief.  Tell us what you think. 


  1. Sorry but its part of the Union Contract.

    Senate Bill 5 would have helped to eliminate this from the contract.

    Sadly, most people are buying into the "Get Rid of SB5" withot knowing any of the facts about the law.

    SB5 would help because as you said: "Times have changed, and I think its time for Norwood to change its position to promoting for the Chief."

  2. but SB5 does not include politicians so they don't have to cut back like the rest of government will. I am voting against it, just like I will not be supporting the crazy lady that runs this blog in her election race.

  3. Actually it does because politicians and appointed people ALREADY pay for their insurance and are required to pay into PERS.

    The Fire and Police in Norwood do not pay a single penny for their healthcare or pension. It is 100% fully funded by the taxpayers.

    Don't believe what u see in the anti SB5 commercials. The Ohio Ethics and Election commissions already have order several of their ads be removed or altered due to FALSE and MISLEADING information about what SB5 actually does.
