Monday, March 21, 2011

Norwoods Negros will Not Be Neglected

The Negros in this community will not continue to be neglected.  As if we don't exist.  As if we don't belong.  At some point the stiff collar, white power structure has got to come to peace with the fact that Negros live, work, eat, plays, entertains, pay-taxes, and own homes just like they do.  Once upon a time Negros living in Norwood was unheard of.  Rumors says black folk was not allowed in this town after dark.  For if the Negro was caught after sun-down the white town folk would make they pay. 

During the early 1900's the graduating class's were all white.  The land owners were all white.  The city Goverment was all white.  Never in the history of Norwood has a Negro been elected to any form of official Goverment position.  Yea, some love this little known white history fact.  One they can brag about. 

The 21st Century will bring big surprises to those bragging.  The Negros in this town will one day wake up and get together and make history.  No doubt about it.  It is only a matter of time. 

Will you embrace your Norwood Negro's as they live, work, eat, play, entertain, pay-taxes, own homes and maybe............... just maybe become a Goverment Official Elected resident?

1 comment:

  1. Wow...this blog is really enlightening...I never knew people thought like this. I never knew people felt like everyone was out to get them. Interesting...
